Monday, January 18, 2010

Today I met the nun who is one of the board members of the COWART organisation. She's actually from Galway and really lovely. She somehow detected Irish roots in me, I'd not realised they were so obvious! She thinks I should come to 7am Mass on Sundays which means I'd be leaving home at around 6:30am to get there but it's in English so maybe I'll make it as soon as I can remember the way to the office and church from deep down in the village!

I now have 2 sisters and 5 more brothers, I'm not entirely sure I've even met them all yet as I met so many relatives yesterday they have all blended into one. Those I have met, I really like and it's also nice to have my own room but slightly awkward since I'm not sure how many family members are sleeping in the other rooms too. The house is super super rural but I think I will get used to it quite soon. Even the pit latrines are not that bad really.

I'm very very tired and would like to sleep for a week but there is no time since I think I start running drama clubs next week!


Anonymous said...

aw im jelous of your great big african family!!!!!!!
i just finished my exams so im off to watch disney films and eat!
miss you lots :) xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Ho girl what a bright wonderful start to your adventure. I too am so jealous. It all reminds me so much of Ireland 50 years ago when life was spent milking cows, drawing water, and dealing with personal deposits. It can be a wonderful natural country life , especially when viewed from miles away and surrounded by home comforts. But in truth I am sure you will love it and you courage will be well rewarded. Of course she can spot the Irish in you, you are full of it, what else could you be.

God’s blessings on you and your new family ......What’s the mum and dad like?

Love from D....J ..