Sunday, March 18, 2007


I was listening to one of the talks from Holy Trinity Brompton today and Archie Coates was talking the passage in Philippians 4:4-9. He talks about the term 'whatever' which today has such a defeated and negative meaning, used by an annoyed teenager, a tired parent, a disappointed spouse and so many others too. But the way that i think St Paul means it is that whatever means everything, everything that is those things described in the passage, thats his whatever and i think that it should be ours too.
Archie read out this poem in his talk, i dont know if he wrote it or its from someone else (will ask him at some point!) so for now credit to whoever wrote it cause its very cool!
Let me know what you think about 'Whatever'!
Whatever is…
Whatever is true.
Whatever is noble.
Whatever is right.
Whatever is pure.
Whatever is lovely.
Whatever is admirable.
If anything is excellent,
Or praiseworthy.
Think about these things.
Live these things.
Be these things.
And then God will be near.
And you will find peace,
And the joy of God will come.

Whatever is…
Whatever is morning light through the curtain.
Whatever is compassion
Whatever is a real human voice on the end of the telephone when you ring your bank.
Whatever is moving beyond words but not beyond tears.
Whatever is being heard and understood.
Whatever is offering and giving and receiving.

Whatever is…
Whatever is white sand and cool water between your toes.
A cup of tea and a hand to hold.
Whatever is challenging enough to change your life,
Funny enough to make you cry,
Whatever is yearning in you to be fulfilled.
Whatever is lost and needing to be restored.

Yes, whatever is…
Whatever is warm sun on a tired face.
Whatever is not beyond redemption,
Even though there’s a thousand reasons why you shouldn’t hope.

Whatever is…
Is not beyond God’s redemption.
Or His imagination.
Think these things.
Be these things.
Live these things.