Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Prince's Trust Advertisement - Footsteps

This is the new advertisement for the princes trust scheme. it came on when i was at the cinema and all the way through there was a sudden concentrated silence until the end when people turned to each other and said how great they think these sorts of schemes are....but will they actually do something to help them and the young people that they say need helping....why say something's does a great job and that young people need something like this...should they get out there and actually do something themselves? or is it enough just to give others a pat on the back for their work!


Anonymous said...

out of interest how many charities do you support? also which scheme do you support? there are over 160,000 UK charities online alone. its not like you can give £1 to each one. if anyone reads this im sure i will get shouted at. but why should we always be made to feel guilty for not contributing? i mean everyone who pays taxes is already contributing as state benefits come from taxes, and the state does contribute sums to disaster relief ect. Also isn't it the unsung heroes that really deserve the credit? take the masonic lodges worldwide for instance, every year they contribute millions to various schemes and charities and thats just from the UK, yet how often do you hear from them? yes in a perfect world we should live in a communist society (a true communist society not the totalitarian version) where everyone is equal and earns the same and contributes as best they can to society.
backtracking abit i think you should think about the reasons you won't support such schemes and you'll find your answer.
There is a simple answer behind it all if you ask me. GREED. everyone wants more, everyone wants something they don't have. theres enough food in europe alone to feed the world, yet do we share? no.
the human race is selfish fullstop. yes you occasionly get a selfless person, but they are few and far between.
also have you taken into account that many many people live crap lives. they suffer in silence, sure they may complain, but these people don't require schemes and charities, they get themselves out of the problem. what about these people? why is it that the suposedly helpless get help and those that try and do help themselves get nothing?

just thought i should state after my rant that some of what ive said is purely speculative and to try and stimulate thought and discussion on this matter. i do very much admire what charities try to do.
anyway hope your well laura, glad to see you published mine and scotts comments on the last topic aswell hehe. c ya x x x

Anonymous said...

thats just how it is with many young people.just give them a chance in the teenage years & it will stay with them for life. it may even save their life. all of us can help. its very hard work. the teenager has to contribute as well.